New Roommate Moves in Tomorrow and I’m Hoping it Works Out

New Roommate Moves in Tomorrow and I’m Hoping it Works Out

Nick December 16, 2022

The rent is high enough on its own, but when you add in all of the other utilities there is no way I can pay for it all each month.

I think the only way this roommate wouldn’t work out is if my landlord freaks out about me having someone move in the flat. I had a bad experience last year with a flatmate and we had to call this local business evictor to get her out. Now the landlord doesn’t want anyone else moving in because he is afraid it will repeat again. Well believe me, if anyone doesn’t want an issue with their roommate it is me. My local contractor friend said that he is totally out of his right to say I can’t have a roommate and to just get one. So the almighty landlord is going to have to chill out a bit and wake up to reality, because there is no way one person can afford this place with the heating and cooling bill rates going through the roof. The rent is high enough on its own, but when you add in all of the other utilities there is no way I can pay for it all each month. I purposefully got a female roommate so if he says anything I’ll just say she is my girlfriend. I don’t think he can say anything to that, and if he finds out she is a really good HVAC pro and can fix our HVAC system for free, I bet he lets her stay. If it comes down to it we could always move out and into another flat but I can’t see him telling us to go just to rent to two more new people he knows nothing about.

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