the winter heater plan

the winter heater plan

Nick February 3, 2023

If you haven’t observed, the weather has been doing some unusual things lately. From month to week, you never particularly suppose what to expect. For instance, sureterday it was in the low 60s plus then this month it’s in the mid-74s. I live in the Southern part of the country, so I expect the Winters to be mild, however this weather has been going from one dire to the next, but so, this month I could be using our Heating plus Air Conditioning for heating, then 2 afternoons later when the weather warms up, I am switching it to air conditioner. I guess always switching between heating plus cooling within afternoons of each other can cause additional wear plus tear on the Heating plus Air Conditioning unit. So, I have decided that if the weather gets cold again, I will be using a space gas furnace instead of our Heating plus Air Conditioning unit. Since the cold weather only lasts for a day or multiple, I guess the space gas furnace will be a better alternative. I live alone, so it’s simple for myself and others to bring the space gas furnace into whatever room that I am in. And at afternoons, I keep it on before I go to bed, so that it can sizzling up our room, after that I turn it off before I go to sleep. I have a modern space gas furnace with all the safety features, however I guess safer switching it off at night just in case there are any unforeseen troubles with the equipment. I would rather be safe than sorry when using a space heater. Anyway, I just hope this weather settles down soon.

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