The cool air at the dentist made me forget the pain

The cool air at the dentist made me forget the pain

Nick May 7, 2023

For as long as I can remember existing on this Earth I have always hated the dentist.

I can’t remember a single day in my life where I did not hate the dentist. In fact I feel I started hating the dentist the undoubtedly first time my parents first took me to the dentist. I did not like them looking in my mouth, I did not like them poking out my teeth and I did not like all the tools that they were using inside my mouth. It just felt so uncomfortable and vulnerable and I always avoided the dentist in my adult life as often as I could. I liked having a great smile, sure but it wasn’t the most crucial thing in my life. I would have rather avoided the pain and discomfort of the dentist and have perfectly straight teeth. However when I started having problems with my wisdom teeth and my 20s I had to go to the dentist to have it pulled. I put off making that appointment for so long because I hated the thought of it but the tooth started hurting to the point where I could not be avoided anymore and so I had to go to the dentist. The entire time I was there I was being polite even though I hated being there. The only thing I could take my mind off of the fact that they were quite literally yanking on my wisdom tooth, was the elegant cool a/c. I could not feel anything obviously because of the painkillers, but apart from the painkillers that a/c was also helping to calm me down. There was something about the touch of the cool cooling system that just felt so calm and peaceful. I just could not quite explain it. Thanks to that distraction the experience was over in no time.



air conditioning system