I could hear the pinging from the furnace.

I could hear the pinging from the furnace.

Nick June 5, 2023

I laid in bed last night, and I swore I could hear the pinging of the pipes that happened when the furnace was running.

My husband had told me he turned the furnace off, so why were the pipes pinging. I knew it was to be cold that night, but he was going to put a fire in the fireplace when he got up. The longer I laid in bed, the warmer I was getting. I tossed the covers off, and they landed on my husband. He snuggled into the blankets, but I was beginning to sweat. I finally reached over and woke him up. I asked if he was sure he had turned off the furnace. He mumbled something and dug deeper into the blankets. I shook him again, and told him the furnace was running. He grumbled this time and told me I was dreaming. How could I be dreaming if I hadn’t yet been sleeping. I couldn’t figure out how he could be snuggled under the blankets when I felt like I was suffocating. I got up and looked at the thermostat. It was nearly eighty in the bedroom. I pulled the blankets from my husband and told him it was eighty in the room. The furnace was running, and it wasn’t shutting off. He started to yank the blankets back, but he then realized how warm it was. He looked at the thermostat and swore he had turned the furnace off. He wanted to know why I didn’t tell him the furnace was running. He had planned on turning the furnace off, but he never had, and now we had to call the HVAC company, because it wouldn’t shut off.

air conditioning worker