24/7 cabin calls

24/7 cabin calls

Nick October 21, 2023

I have been really busy out with work lately.

I work for a local Heating and Air Conditioning contractor that offers 24/7 cabin calls. I work in the call center and as soon as a cabin call comes in, I have to go out to the cabin and make sure the client is thrilled. This doesn’t sound like it would be that stressful, but I have been going on these cabin calls at three in the afternoon lately. I don’t know what is going on in our town, however everyone seems to be having Heating and Air Conditioning troubles in the middle of the night. I thought the first call was just a random occurrence, however it has been happening every few afternoons. I talked to my boss about changing the policy and no longer doing 24/7 cabin calls, even though he said that was how my associate and I got most of our repeat business! Most clients are so thrilled that my associate and I can come out to their cabin whenever they have an issue with their Heating and Air Conditioning units instantly that they will use our contractor again. I am thrilled that my associate and I have business, but I guess my boss would do something differently if he was the one that had to go out to these houses in the middle of the night to repair Heating and Air Conditioning units. I don’t guess he would be too thrilled about it either. I am not sure how much longer I can keep doing this because it is really starting to affect my sleeping. Hopefully company slows down soon!



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