Why you should learn about digital advertising

Why you should learn about digital advertising

Nick May 29, 2019

Once the keywords, or SEO, are implemented, it makes the website easier to be seen by the search engine and it will bring the ranking of the website up and hopefully onto the first page of search result.

I have to tell you that my heating and air conditioning business is not doing very well right now. Up until the last couple weeks, I couldn’t seem to get any new business. That was when I decided it was time to learn about digital advertising. I was petrified to think about digital advertising. My son works for a SEO business and he is always working at doing SEO. Several times I have asked him to help me with my website, but he seems to never have the time. He did try to teach me about SEO one time, but I was busy with work, and I just wasn’t wrapping my head around it. He gave up and never tried to help me again. I knew I would have to go online and find a digital advertising company that would be able to give me some help, or I was going to lose my HVAC business. I feel that anyone who owns a business, should put some thought into talking to an online advertising company. SEO are just letters that stand for search engine optimization. It is a special way to put keywords into copy. Once the keywords, or SEO, are implemented, it makes the website easier to be seen by the search engine and it will bring the ranking of the website up and hopefully onto the first page of search result. I was not showing up on any of the search pages when a search for local HVAC companies was put into the search. With SEO, I found that I was suddenly gaining new customers. Along with the SEO, I also started using Google Ads. All anyone had to do was click on the ad and it took the person directly to my website.


SEO services

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