Proud to be an HVAC worker

Proud to be an HVAC worker

Nick November 7, 2019

I remember a long time ago when I was first thinking about what school I wanted to attend, however everybody told me I was making a mistake when I decided to go to a trade school to go for our HVAC certification.

They said that I should go to a great school where I could be a doctor or a lawyer, then i didn’t want to attend school for so long and I certainly didn’t want to get a job like that.

In our opinion Lawyers are mainly just a bunch of liars, and doctors have a shorter life because of all the stress that they go through. I couldn’t imagine operating on people regularly and having people die under our watch. That is not the life for me. Instead I am proud to be an HVAC worker! While doctors may save lives, I have saved some lives also. I have taken on many emergency calls in the Winter when people are about to freeze to death. I get their heating idea back in working order and the people are so thankful for our services, but unluckyly, the people I was with and I have to charge a great deal of currency for the emergency services, but then again, doctors charge way more currency when they save your life. It’s not exactly easy to perform these services either when you’re in the cold chilly weather trying to maintenance some complicated machinery, but I am great at what I do. I recognize that I was made for this style of work and these afternoons, our family is also proud when they hear me talking about all the things I have done for people.

a/c tune up