I’m irritated with how things are going in the world

I’m irritated with how things are going in the world

Nick December 26, 2019

I have to admit, I am irritated most of the time. I am always mad about what is happening in the world. It seems like most people don’t care about things that are going on. Let’s take climate change for example. Does anybody care that our planet is on the brink of destruction because of all the pollution we put in the environment? I know there are people that care about these things, but not enough people seem to care. Then we have all these crooked politicians who seem to be working for the corporations of the world instead of the people. How did these crooked politicians even become elected? Do enough people care to vote for the right ones? That’s another question, are there any good politicians? I don’t usually hear anybody talking about topics that are actually important. I think more people should have access to heating and cooling systems for lower costs. They should also be able to get assistance to afford to have maintenance and repairs for their HVAC systems. We should be able to get more people off the streets and into shelters or homes. Also, what about all the starving children in our country? Who is talking about those poor kids! In the richest country in the world, we should not have such a problem, yet it exists and hardly anybody is ever talking about it! It would be great to be able to just donate to charities to fix this issue, but it seems like charities are in it for the money as well. Sure you can donate tons of money, but where does all the money go? I would like to see honest politicians for a change who do things to help our people like helping them with their HVAC system complications. I would like to see less pollution in the environment and people doing things to improve the world for a change instead of worrying about how much money they can make.

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