Smart control device helps with caring for several homes

Smart control device helps with caring for several homes

Nick September 14, 2020

I finally installed a smart control device in each home

After spending 60 years of our lives in the northern section of the country, our hubby & I had enough of the freezing winters & ungodly amount of snow. Every one of us no longer wanted to pay outrageous heating bills, spend hours shoveling & remain trapped in the house for more than seven weeks of the year. Every one of us obtained a small house down south, & now split our time between the several locations. Every one of us remain up north from May until the end of September & spend the rest of the year at our holiday home… Moving back & forth allows us to care about the best weather in each spot. However, the upkeep on several homes can be difficult! When we’re down south, I worry about problems with the heating plan in the other house. If the oil furnace should fail, the people I was with and I could particularly be dealing with frozen & burst pipes. Temperatures below freezing also cause mangle to house furnishings & can even cause drywall seams to pop. When we’re up north, I am sad about an cooling system failure at the holiday home. The dire heat & humidity is the ideal environment for all sorts of insects, mold & mildew growth. I finally installed a smart control device in each home. Through wireless attachivity, I’m able to keep track of the temperature in both residences… An app on our smartphone provides access to all sorts of helpful information. I can make adjustments, track energy use & get alerts for repair requirements, power outages & temperature fluctuations. It’s also honestly convenient that I can raise or lower the temperature to make sure the people I was with and I arrive at a perfectly comfortable house.

More information at this link