HVAC company charges elevated fee because of darkness

HVAC company charges elevated fee because of darkness

Nick January 29, 2021

Sometimes I feel like everybody on this planet is out to get me. I know that this is an artifact of a traumatised life, still affecting my thought process. However, I also realize that I am often exposed to negative situations that create these unfortunate paranoias. For instance, when I recently had to call the local heating, cooling, and air quality control repair shop for an equipment diagnostic service, I never could have predicted that things would go so poorly. For the longest time I had been neglecting my forced air furnace and I realized that the heating system needed some professional TLC. Undoubtedly, I needed to have the large heating system inspected by a certified HVAC technician before the entire furnace stopped working on me. Unfortunately, even after I paid for the professional indoor air quality control inspection, my furnace was not spared. One afternoon the indoor air temperature suddenly got very cold and I realized that my central heating system was not working. Despite having interest paid for the professional heating, cooling, and air quality control maintenance appointment, something had clearly failed with my heating device. I had no choice but to call the same indoor air temperature control dealership and ask for an emergency repair service for the busted furnace. That’s when I became fully frustrated by this ineffective heating and cooling repair business – when they charged me double for the repair service because it was dark outside. Uh, you’re the one who didn’t service my furnace properly in the first place. Besides, it’s winter – it’s always dark outside.
