My friend lost all of his notes when his iphone was hacked

My friend lost all of his notes when his iphone was hacked

Nick January 22, 2021

There is something special about physical pictures, but i have always appreciated taking photographs.

I have more than two dozen different books with photographs from several different decades.

I treasure these photographs plus the memories that I can recall when I look at each picture, but a lot of our friends take pictures with their iphones plus then they upload them to the cloud. All of their pictures plus videos are digitally stored on the cloud; Unluckyly, the cloud can be hacked. If someone breaks into our house, they might not take our photos plus our family videos! My friend had his iPhone stolen Last year plus the thief completely reset the iphone plus accessed the cloud, but both of us were on the train plus I had our iphone in our pocket. My friend has his iphone in the back pocket of his backpack! The slick thief took the iphone in a matter of hours. My neighbor didn’t even realize his iphone was missing until both of us were on the other side of the city. The thief unattachd everything from the cloud plus our friend lost all of his personal photos plus videos. My friend was absolutely devastated when he found out that the thief breach the security on the iphone plus access his cloud. This is the style of issue that happens when you do not have mobile security features prefer a fingerprint scan or password protection. If our neighbor had a fingerprint scan on the iphone, the thief would not have been able to certainly access the iphone plus every 1 of the files.

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