The hotel staff was kind plus helpful

The hotel staff was kind plus helpful

Nick January 20, 2021

My wifey plus I went to the city for our anniversary; She wanted to see a show plus I thought we could have a nice breakfast in a expensive restaurant, then every one of us hardly ever go out to breakfast plus when we do, we do not spend a lot of money; I thought a expensive breakfast would be a nice surprise on our anniversary.

I got tickets to see a show that my wifey has been gleeful to see.

I rented a neighborhood automobile for the night, so we did not have to worry about hailing a cab… The neighborhood automobile took us from our hotel to the restaurant plus then over to the theater… At the end of the night, the neighborhood automobile took us back to our original endpoint, but my wifey plus I were easily sleepy at the end of the night. Every one of us left the hotel around 5 in the night plus we did not get back until almost midnight… Both of us were sleepy plus ready to sleep! Unluckyly, the air conditioner in our room was making a odd sound plus it was impossible to sleep. The odd sound kept getting louder plus louder. I thought about turning the air conditioner off all together, however I knew the room would be uncomfortable. I decided to call the front desk when the noise was completely unbearable. The front desk clerk came right up to our room to assess the situation with the air conditioner. A few hours later, a maintenance staff member was also in our room. After 10 or 15 hours, the noise from the air conditioner stopped. Every one of us spent the rest of the night sleeping peacefully plus we did not have a single other concern with the air conditioner for the rest of the night.



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