It was interesting seeing the exposed ductwork at the mall

It was interesting seeing the exposed ductwork at the mall

Nick September 22, 2021

Christmas shopping could have been so much more lively, however with all the things going on in the world the two of us were grateful that the two of us could even go shopping! The initial stop was at the mall since that is where all the good stores were.

As the two of us were going in, I noticed a commercial Heating and A/C equipment truck.

I figured they were there to do Heating and A/C equipment repair. During my two stops in the mall, the two of us came across a certain store and the first thing I noticed was that it was under renovation or something related because there was a ton of exposed air duct! I assumed that they were doing duct cleaning! My curiosity drove me to question the cooling expert what was wrong with the Heating and A/C equipment. He let us know that they were fixing a leak in the HVAC duct in that actual store. He even showed me the HEPA filter that they would use in air purification to help create a far more conducive environment which would ultimately improve the air quality. I was honestly impressed by how well they worked. It was relatively strange that they absolutely arranged for service while in a peak season although I guessed it must have been an emergency situation that had to be attended to in no time. As I was leaving, I recalled something and went back to ask the professional how often was a person required to scrub a washable filter. He told me every 3 months was best and also requested me to have residential Heating and A/C professionals check and clean out the gas furnace in case I was not certain how to go about it so as not to cause any major damages. He promised to take wonderful care of the unit.



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