The animal knocked over my window cooling system

The animal knocked over my window cooling system

Nick December 12, 2021

I’m not sure what I was thinking when I put my window air conditioner plan in the window.

I guess that sounds really different because the whole point of a window A/C plan is to go in the window, but I should have known better because I have cats.

But not just any cats, ridiculous cats. My cats might be small however they act love tigers because they are constantly chasing each other around the lake house and jumping on everything. It is not uncorrect for items around the lake house to get knocked over and broken and unluckyly this was the case of my window A/C system. I suppose part of it was my fault because I did not have it secured in the window easily well however sure enough one day both of my cats were going wild as they usually do and my one animal leaped at the window and accidentally hit my window A/C plan and knocked it straight out of the window and onto the pavement below. It would be my dumb luck that my cabin happens to overlook the parking lot. My minute cat, who had already been chasing my first cat, ran straight up to my first animal and helped to knock it over for a minute time as they both crashed into the window. My minute animal did not have enough time to stop. Thankfully my cats were able to catch themselves and they did not fall out the window and hurt themselves however my window A/C smashed the pieces, however now I’m going to have to go down to my local heating and cooling company and purchase a new window AC. I suppose it could be worse, the heating and A/C company does not live too far away and so it will not take me long to head over there and option up a brand new air conditioner unit.



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