I didn't want to tell the guy the bad news

I didn't want to tell the guy the bad news

Nick January 19, 2022

My boss sent myself and others to a residential A/C maintenance on Thursday.

It was my first task of the afternoon and it was a eveningmare.

The shopper was an older man and he had numerous children in the house. She told myself and others that the children were his grandkids. Their mom was in prison for drug charges and the man was taking care of all of the children. I felt a little bad for this frail outdated guy that was trying to run after numerous small children. I performed a thorough investigation on the air-conditioning plan and I determined the concern to be an issue with the refrigeration coils. I didn’t want to supply the shopper the bad news, despite the fact that I knew it was a major maintenance that was going to cost a fortune. I presented the quote to the man and I thought he was going to pass out. She immediately started crying and told myself and others that he could not afford the repairs. I put a temporary Band-Aid on the problem, despite the fact that I could not maintenance the concern with the A/C on until the man had money for parts. I gave his my personal phone number and I told the man to call myself and others if he came up with the money. I would find a way to help his install the equipment for a adequate rate. I knew my boss wouldn’t be ecstatic that I was taking work from the A/C maintenance service, but this guy needed help and I knew I could offer assistance if I wasn’t on the clock.

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