I have decided to sign up for a service

I have decided to sign up for a service

Nick February 8, 2022

Since I have such a difficult time remembering to change the air filters in my heating as well as cooling system, I have decided to sign up for a single of those air filter subscription services that you see advertised on TV.

I’ve been seeing commercials for those for a while now, but I never truly thought that I would be signing up for it until recently.

I finally decided that I was going to sign up for it myself whenever I had some issues with my oil furnace a few weeks ago. It turns out that the whole reason that I was having oil furnace issues in the first place was because I kept forgetting to change my air filter when I was supposed to, changing out my air filter is something that I constantly forget to do. I forget about it on a consistent basis, as well as no matter what I do, I just cannot seem to remember it. I know that it’s important to have a clean air filter in my Heating, Ventilation and A/C system, however for some reason it’s just a single of those things that I cannot remember to take care of, however on the same day that I was paying my heating repair bill, I happened to see a commercial for an air filter subscription service on TV. That’s when I decided that I was going to go ahead & up for it. I guess that if I actually get an air filter in the mail every couple of weeks, it will actually spur me to change it. Maybe this will be just the reminder that I need! At least I hope that it will be.



quality ac service