I inspected the drain line first

I inspected the drain line first

Nick April 8, 2022

I’ve l gained a lot about home repairs during the last 20 years.

When I originally purchased my house, I had to call a professional every time there was a problem.

If the a/c system was broken, I called an Heating and Air Conditioning repair service. If the washing unit wasn’t working, I called an appliance repair service! Over the years, I have watched all of the repairs and I have honestly paid attention. I do not have to call the repair repair as frequently now, because there are many troubles that I can honestly handle on my own. When the lake house A/C wasn’t cooling correctly, I turned off the breaker and took the unit apart so I could look inside. I know there are only a couple of troubles that can keep the A/C from working correctly. I started troubleshooting all of those areas. I inspected the drain line first. Sometimes the drain line can become obstructed with dirt or out. If the water cannot drain correctly, then the A/C will not work. The A/C drain line turned out to be the greatest problem with the system. The drain line was filled with dirt and mud. There wasn’t any water at all coming out of the a/c system. I used sizzling bleach water to scrub out the condenser drain line. I turned the a/c system back on and waited to see if that helped with the problem. Much to my surprise, cleaning the drain line solved the issue completely. If I had contacted the A/C repair service, I absolutely would have spent about $200 for them to do the exact same thing that I did for free.

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