Tearing out my own air ducts was a mistake

Tearing out my own air ducts was a mistake

Nick May 27, 2019

I made the mistake of thinking I could tear out my ductwork. Taking down ductwork is way harder than it looks online. Basically you need to rip down your walls and ceiling. Then the metal air ducts need to be pulled out and disposed of. What is in the fine print of this job is that the metal 8 inch air ducts are very heavy. They are also extremely bulky, sharp and hard to maneuver. I thought my entire house was going to fall down at one point. After I got the air ducts out of the house, knowing what to do with them was another thing. At first I was hopeful my HVAC company would want the old HVAC ducts. After calling them I realized what a dumb idea that was. They did not want the old, dented and gross metal ducts anymore than I did. I tried getting a metal scraper to take them but every person I talked to severely creeped me out. I finally had to arrange an appointment with the dump. I then had to move all that heavy ductwork again and put it in the back of my truck. Then I moved it once more to the dump and left it there. After all that was done, I need to re-drywall my house to get it back to where it was before. I then was able to call the HVAC business gack to get ductless HVAC which is why I tore out the ductwork to start with. I saved money not having a contractor do it. But it was not worth it.


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