We have a lot of heaters

We have a lot of heaters

Nick December 8, 2019

I cannot believe how many heaters we have.

It is crazy to me that we need them all.

I guess we probably do not need all of the heaters that we have, but it surely is nice to have them all. I counted the other day, and we have five electric space heaters and two propane space heaters. My husband also has a kerosene heater for his shed out back. Of course, we also have a furnace. Our house is quite old, and it is super drafty. We have tried to do a few things to keep the heat from escaping, but it just has not worked well so far. My husband said that we will eventually have to replace all of the windows in the entire house as well as reinsulate it. I was super amazed when he told me how expensive it would be though. We will have to save up for years in order to be able to do it. Our five electric space heaters are spread out throughout our house. There is one in the living room, one in our bedroom, one in the upstairs bathroom, one in the downstairs bathroom, and one in the kitchen. We do not leave them on all of the time because that is very dangerous. I only turn them on when I am in the room that they are in. If I am cooking dinner, I turn the space heater on in the kitchen. If we are in the living room, spending time together, I turn the space heater on in the living room. The two propane heaters are back up heaters because we had our furnace go out on us a couple of winters ago.



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