I’m not ready to move, but he is.

I’m not ready to move, but he is.

Nick September 15, 2020

I never really thought my wife was serious when she told me that once the kids got out of the house, she wanted to move south.

She had been saying it for almost twenty years now, and I never really took her seriously.

Every time we got the energy bill or a fuel bill, she would complain. When we got the bill for wood for the fireplace, she was so upset that she looked at me and shook it. She told me we only had one more year. I knew the cost of fuel for the heating was going up, but I couldn’t change that. The cost of firewood was outrageous. Not only did we pay for fuel for the heating, but we also had to pay more for the energy. When our daughter finally set her wedding date, my wife pulled out a real estate magazine. She was looking for properties that were in the south. I reminded her that living in the south meant we would need to have the air conditioning running all the time. Without the air conditioning, we would never be comfortable. I also reminded her that it was going to be expensive to run the air conditioning all the time. I didn’t think it would be much cheaper for the air conditioning than it was for the heating, if at all. She reminded me that I had agreed to move with her when all the kids were out of the house. Maybe I could convince one of the boys to move back in with us..


Space heater for sale