Replacing the air purification system at the gorgeous winery in the expansive vineyard

Replacing the air purification system at the gorgeous winery in the expansive vineyard

Nick May 5, 2022

The beautiful wine city, as it is commonly known, has been my home for the past few weeks.

After the pandemic, I had upped and left for a new city. I got to know about this small town from an ad in the newspaper. A whole-home air purification company needed an HVAC technician. When they heard I was from a major city, they called me in for an interview, and fortunately, I got the job. I saw this as a sign to move. When I got to this town, all I received from the locals was a warm welcome and a helping hand. I started my job at the company, and I remember my first assignment was duct cleaning the HVAC vents in a certain school. I noticed that a lot of the locals had air purification units that helped keep the air clean. It tended to be dusty because of all the farms, especially in winter. Besides that, the town was incredibly beautiful. Covered in vineyards, the scenery was something to behold. Over the next few weeks, I visited the main areas in the town, both when I was touring and when I was providing air purification help to the locals. I had always seen this massive vineyard on my way to work and wanted to visit it. Well, I got a chance to visit it when replacing their air purification system. They had requested home services to check on their malfunctioned unit. They had noticed an issue after the indoor air quality continued to drop, any further drop could have caused massive losses. We installed a smart HVAC system to improve the air quality. The HVAC professional advised the vineyard’s maintenance on how to care for the HVAC equipment by regularly changing the air filters.


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