It Feels so Good to Get a Good Night of Sleep for a Change

It Feels so Good to Get a Good Night of Sleep for a Change

Nick November 7, 2022

I’ve been cleaning up my diet and have had some insomnia the past few days because of withdrawals from different foods that I was eating.

Last night though, I finally had a good night of sleep and feel so much better today.

I went to the local business and got a small coffee and croissant to celebrate my good sleep. I can think clearly again and have a lot of energy to do what I need to do with my HVAC industry writing work and whatnot. I have a bit of a backlog of work because I had no energy the past few days to do it, so I will be working till about 5pm today and should be all caught up by then. I have to also program my smart thermostat and clean my furnace filter, but that will take all of 30 minutes and then I am free to meet my friend for a long beach walk. I just need to get all of this online work done first so I can relax tonight knowing that everything is on schedule. I will probably have to turn on my central heating unit soon as the temps are getting down to the frigid levels and my flat is feeling pretty cold inside. My cat just plopped on my chest like he owns the place so my typing may be a bit slow, I hope it doesn’t bother you haha. He is a nice little space heater though, on colder days like this. Wow, this is not easy trying to type with a fat cat on my chest!


It Feels so Good to Get a Good Night of Sleep for a Change