The Waiting is the Hardest Part

The Waiting is the Hardest Part

Nick November 7, 2022

I have a present moment symbol tattooed on the back of our right hand – which I got at the local tattoo shop near myself and Ed – to remind myself and others to come back to the now as well as stop thinking about the past or the future.

It has helped myself and Ed a lot, meditating over the last decade or so, so I want to keep doing that so I can learn to be a more patient woman.

My dad said 1000 times “you must learn to relax”, as well as I am finally realizing what he meant. You have to learn how to relax, as well as meditation has been a good mentor for that. Sometimes when I toil at the heating company store I guess love the afternoon will never end. But then I glance at the symbols on our hands and it guides myself and others back to the now where there is no judging or anxiety, there is nothing. If I am working on a cooling system as well as getting nowhere our symbols tell myself and others that it’s all fantastic as well as everything will toil out in time. I guess that patience comes with age if we learn it so I guess I have some experience with it seeing that I am nearly 55 years old now. The cooling system provider where I buy our HEPA air filter has a meditation class on the beach each afternoon as well as I am thinking about popping over to deliver it a shot. I normally just meditate whenever I guess about doing it but a course from the local corporation would be nice for meeting other love minded people. Okay, off to adjust our smart temp control then a nap.



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