There’s Always a Glimmer of Light Even on the Darkest of Nights

There’s Always a Glimmer of Light Even on the Darkest of Nights

Nick November 7, 2022

I’ve noticed that even when a lot of bad things happen to me in life I still have hope that something good is just around the corner.

I think having patience is huge when it comes to hope and happiness in that it gives you an inner peace knowing that things will be fine in time.

A lot of our frustration comes from lack of patience and I believe that meditation helps you to acquire that patience. I’ve been hit with so many tough things lately yet I can still feel this light of hope inside me. My HVAC specialist friend was there a lot for me when I was down and gave me some very encouraging words to keep me going when it seemed like hope was gone. I kept pushing along doing my HVAC equipment writings when I felt like staying in bed and sleeping all day. Sleep was the only place where I didn’t feel this overwhelming sadness from all of the loss I encountered so suddenly. I am working at the HVAC company a couple days a week and learning to accept all that happened to me. Just to give you an idea I lost; my dad, my wife,my life savings, my health, and a newfound love. All of that took place in a one year span of time. So working each day selling heat pumps and space heaters was the last thing I wanted to be doing but I kept pushing ahead and working it all out. I am feeling better now and know that good things are on the horizon.


There’s Always a Glimmer of Light Even on the Darkest of Nights