The right HVAC contractor made all the difference

The right HVAC contractor made all the difference

Nick December 12, 2022

There are plenty of renovations to do and one of those was replacing the heating and cooling equipment

This is why I try to wait and see just how everything will work out. But I was initially not in support of moving south. Like, how could I not support my wife as she had just been offered a very nice promotion. I certainly wasn’t going to be one thing they kept my wife from realizing years and years of hard work. But for sure I did not look forward to all that air conditioning and sweating it out in the heat. I was also sort of ready to be done with winter. The gas furnace and all that heating cost was starting to get to me. The idea that I could be outside, be active all went a long way toward getting me down here. And as many of us do, as we get older, we let ourselves go a little bit. Being outside all year would really help me from packing on that winter fat. So I just tried to change my perspective. And I’m really glad I waited to see how it would all turn out because we’ve been down here now for a bit and love it. The house we bought is an old one as it was built in the thirties. This was before there was any such thing as residential HVAC. But we fell in love with it and it was perfect size for just we. There are plenty of renovations to do and one of those was replacing the heating and cooling equipment. Luckily we found just the right HVAC contractor who suggested that we go with ductless heat pumps. Like I said we’ve been here a few years now and we could not be happier and that goes double for our quality heating and air.

hvac system