A Smart Thermostat can Reduce Energy Consumption

A Smart Thermostat can Reduce Energy Consumption

Nick September 26, 2023

Before the winter season, I hired an HVAC company to come service my furnace for the winter months.

I always like to hire an HVAC company to service both the furnace and the air conditioner twice per year because it ensures that everything is running properly.

If I don’t hire an HVAC professional, I’m left to my own devices to replace the air filter and keep everything running efficiently. I’m not very good at maintaining my HVAC system on my own, which is why it’s important to hire an HVAC professional biannually. One of the concerns I brought up with the HVAC company was that I wanted to run my furnace more efficiently, but the furnace wasn’t old enough to replace. I was glad I didn’t need to purchase a new furnace because that would cost me thousands of dollars. However, I really wanted to save more money each month. The HVAC company suggested that I install a smart thermostat. It was more expensive compared to my traditional thermostat, but it had the potential to save me thousands on my yearly energy consumption. The smart thermostat would program itself to meet my temperature needs in the most efficient way possible. This meant that the smart thermostat would decrease the temperature of the heat while I was away at work and increase it while I was home. This was great because then I wasn’t paying to heat a home that I wasn’t in. I installed the smart thermostat and I’m thankful for the recommendation.
heating and cooling equipment