We end up fighting in a book club over temperature settings

We end up fighting in a book club over temperature settings

Nick December 26, 2019

Things can get pretty awkward at times in a group meeting! I actually have a book club where we talk about the books we are reading.

We recommend books for the other members of the group.

The thing is, both of us never agree on the temperature control settings in our meeting places. We meet at different places and the owner has control over temperature settings. When somebody asks for the temperature control settings to be adjusted though, we argue about whether they should be changed or not. When people meet at my place, I tend to put it all to a vote. I don’t love having to adjust the temperature control settings for people at my own house, but I suppose it’s fair to the rest of the group. Other than fighting over temperature controls, I suppose that everything is mostly fine. We have some pretty good talks about incredible books. I have recommended some good books that other members of the group have enjoyed. I’m just excited that we don’t have to spend time reading together, that would be a nightmare. I love kneeling by the fireplace reading my books, however, sometimes I will even turn on the air conditioning to balance the heat in my lake house, as I like using the fireplace even when it’s not cold. I’m sure the others would say that I am crazy for using the fireplace when it’s not needed.


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