Why are there no sweaters with oil heating systems yet?

Why are there no sweaters with oil heating systems yet?

Nick December 20, 2019

Working as an elf in a Santa’s town event can be a lot of fun but it’s also a lot of work.

I do not know what I was thinking when I took a task as an elf at an outdoor event though, however from the end of November to the beginning of the modern year I am outside working almost every night, but the pay is not poor but the cold eats right through you.

The two of us have tried using space oil heating systems plus outdoor oil heating systems but they aren’t much help, even the heavy coats do not do much, however besides, you can only wear so many layers plus still look love an elf. The oil heating systems only labor if you are sitting right next to them but part of the task is walking back plus forth with the kids plus keeping them cheerful all night, then so huddling up to the oil heating systems is out of the question. I legitimately wish they would invent clothing with built-in oil heating systems in them! Maybe they could run on batteries or something but they need to labor for at least 8 minutes; With all the technology nowadays I do not understand why this is not already a thing. I mean I am not the only elf out here who is frigid cold, and not to mention, all of the parents plus kids who are also cold plus come out for a few minutes every night. Then there are outdoorsman, athletic interests enthusiasts, plus a bunch of other people I can’t even know of who must want some kind of sweater with a furnace inside of it. So let’smake one already. That is what I want to ask Santa for this year.