Home office finally gets HVAC attention

Home office finally gets HVAC attention

Nick January 30, 2021

I’m not all that great with change. But there sure has been a lot of it to deal with lately. For me, there is something very secure in structure and routine. There is definitely a feeling of comfort just knowing the routine for the day is not going to deviate all that much. Sticking with the plan is a big part of life for me. I like to go to work, take care of my family and relax in the HVAC comfort of my home. I really don’t need a whole lot more than that really. Well, much of that structure I have relished in my life recently went up in smoke. My job disappeared as though I had never seen it. Along with my job went all those perks like the perfectly HVAC controlled office. Oh and that nice salary. However, I guess I should count myself somewhat lucky given the fact that I did get a severance. Many others just got a pink slip after our company was sold. That severance was a lifeline for a while. All I could do for the first few weeks was sit inside the HVAC in my house and try to come to grips with what had happened so suddenly. But with some time, I began to formulate a plan for getting back to work. I wasn’t all that interested in trying to get that perfectly HVAC controlled office in some cooperation again. So, I decided to be a consultant and work from my home office. However, that home office has always been uncomfortable temperature-wise. So I took some of that severance and had the HVAC people put in a ductless HVAC unit. At least I can count on being comfortable again in my workplace.


HVAC duct