How can 1 man leave so much mess behind?

How can 1 man leave so much mess behind?

Nick January 29, 2021

I’m not sure how 1 grown man can leave so much mess behind him.

My mother tried to tell me how boys change when you get married, although I wasn’t expecting this.

His mother regularly said what a wonderful boy he was. She told me he regularly cleaned up after himself. I didn’t realize he followed around behind him as well as told him what to option up as well as how to do it; Once he got away from his mother, he abruptly went from a wonderful boy to a slob of a man. He didn’t even put his own clothing into the hamper. I wondered if this was the way he left the houses he ran tests on? He was an Heating as well as A/C worker as well as I knew he was in as well as out of people’s houses all day long. Did he go in to maintenance a oil furnace as well as left dirty rags laying in their basement? If he was laboring on an air conditioning unit, did he leave the old fan blades or the junk from the condening unit, laying in the grass? I wondered about quite a bit. Then I wondered if I should start nagging him love his mother did. If I started doing that, would I need to follow him around when he was on his job? Would I need to tell him to scrub up after himself when he was laboring on a oil furnace or air conditioning unit? I decided it would be best if I talked to him about his slovenly habits. He said his mother told him that when he got married, his partner would do all of those chores for him. I wanted to go over as well as scream at his mother. I couldn’t guess he had raised a man who honestly believed his bull.
