Just one thing, you leave

Just one thing, you leave

Nick January 29, 2021

I’ve been out of task for about eight weeks now, and obviously it’s been a rough time.

Since so many suppliers are in a slump it’s hard to find a task at all, especially a task that pays a living wage.

Let’s hope the economy starts turning around the right way again soon, because it’s getting hard to find more than one nickels to rub together for warmth. I live in a sizable camper on my ex-husband’s property, so at least I don’t even have to worry about paying rent. I mean, I’m supposed to, even though I purposely choose to not worry about it, it’s the least he can do for me. His new husband is actually a sizable shot Heating as well as A/C businessman, and he is in no way hurting for money, so I don’t pay what we agreed upon. I was a few weeks behind in the rental fees when the old, super crappy air conditioner in my old, super crappy RV finally died. I went to my husband’s new husband and asked him to please come take a look at it, him being a sizable shot cooling system businessman and all. He said that why should he repair my air conditioner for myself and others if I’m already not even paying the rent? He made myself and others a deal, that if I did something simple for him he would repair my air conditioner for me, and charge myself and others not a dime. All I had to do was leave, drive anywhere else and not come back. Meh. As much as I love air conditioner, I love my ex-husband more.
