I miss spending time with my family during the holidays

I miss spending time with my family during the holidays

Nick January 30, 2021

It was pretty weird this last year when we tried to spend Thanksgiving and Christmas together as a family with our loved ones.

Because of the pandemic, we were not allowed to have multiple families together under a single roof as we usually do. Since we didn’t want to spread the sickness around, we agreed to just do the video chatting together. We got all of the devices that we needed and we tried to make it all work. It was very interesting, but it certainly wasn’t the same. We were all able to talk to each other on our devices, but we weren’t able to share food or enjoy all the savory smells. I was disappointed because there was some good home cooked food that I saw that I wanted to try out, but I wasn’t able to. I also wanted to give my family members big hugs and enjoy their presence. I also missed the fireplace at my mother’s place. The fireplace was roaring as usual and I could imagine how cozy it felt in there, especially with their awesome temperature control settings. Unfortunately, I don’t have a fireplace and I probably will never have one. After all of the video chatting, I was honestly feeling a little bit depressed because it was not the same at all. I honestly can’t wait until all this pandemic nonsense is over with and we can actually spend time with our family! I actually feel that if everybody installs some UV air purifiers, we should be able to be under the same roof with no issues!


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