I never feel comfortable with temperature control settings due to my condition

I never feel comfortable with temperature control settings due to my condition

Nick January 29, 2021

I have a fairly embarrassing admission to make.

I truly wish that I wasn’t about to say this…

but I know that I have completely written off a legitimate medical setback based on the foolish opinions of others. For the longest time, I was pretty much plagued with legitimately unusual ailments as well as physical discomfort so that seemed to be related to my level of stress. To be entirely honest, I always thought that my stress hormones had a rather extreme effect on my body which was essentially capable of causing unusual digestive setbacks, pains, as well as temperature sensitivities. I eventually learned to compensate for my dysregulated temperature control system as well as systemic complications over time. But I never expected that there was a real medical explanation for the discomfort that I experienced. And then… Some guy mentioned fibromyalgia the other day. It turns out, not only is fibromyalgia related to stress, but it’s related to your temperature regulation system as well. If you have ever felt as though you were irrationally boiling or frigid compared to your peers in similar indoor air temperature conditions, you could potentially have fibromyalgia. For my entire adulthood I have been completely boiling or frigid in air conditions that did not affect other people the same way. I have been completely dependent on my temperature control machines as well as my central heating, cooling, as well as ventilation system as a means to avoid some of the terrible discomfort. I have never had an explanation for these strange physiological temperature dysregulations. That is until now. I really must say, I absolutely think that fibromyalgia is a real thing, based in part on my oddball internal control component as well as an uneven temperature regulation system.


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