I tried running the HVAC company, but it didn’t work out very well for me

I tried running the HVAC company, but it didn’t work out very well for me

Nick January 30, 2021

I was quite impressed when my father started his own HVAC company.

He actually was a very knowledgeable HVAC professional and he got a really great team of professionals.

They actually did great work over the years and he taught me basically everything he knew about HVAC related things. Eventually he paid for me to go to an HVAC trade school so I could work in the family business. I worked as an HVAC professional for roughly 10 years before he told me he wanted me to inherit the HVAC company. Well, that’s where things got rocky because I didn’t really know anything about running a business. It’s not like I went to school to get my business degree, but just my HVAC certification. So I tried to run the business and I really had no idea what I was doing. I was more a hands on kind of guy. I was making bad decisions all over the place and the HVAC workers were not very happy with me. Eventually, the pressure was just too much for me to handle. I ended up telling my father that I could no longer run the HVAC company anymore because it wasn’t for me. He was surprisingly understanding and said I shouldn’t have put such a burden on me. He had me just sell the HVAC company and we took what profit we could get from that. I honestly felt like a failure, but now I’m working at another HVAC company that is highly reputable and I really appreciate the people who I work with.

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