My siblings and I didn’t get along when we were young, but then we became very close

My siblings and I didn’t get along when we were young, but then we became very close

Nick January 30, 2021

When I was young, I never really got along with my siblings very well.

That was until our parents got into a tragic accident and they died.

We all were so shocked and realized that our petty arguments were not very important any longer. We ended up having to live with our aunt and uncle who were not very close with us. They honestly didn’t even want to take us in, but they did. We were thankful for having a place to stay, but they were not very nice to us. They wouldn’t even let us adjust the temperature control settings on the thermostat. They provided food so we didn’t starve, but we basically had to take care of ourselves apart from that. We had to get jobs at an early age and we always looked out for each other. It’s funny how things can change so dramatically in the blink of an eye. We always talked about how much we missed Mom and Dad, but that was behind us and we had to accept that. Fortunately, my older brother was the rock of the group and he always seemed to know what we had to do. He’s the one who talked me into becoming an HVAC technician. He said it was affordable and we didn’t have to waste a huge amount of money for some fancy college. Of course my sister decided to go to a college and she became a lawyer. We are all very impressed with her success, but my older brother and I have also been successful. I feel like our aunt and uncle couldn’t wait to have us leave, but we have been okay. As long as we had each other, we have felt like everything will be okay.


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