The end of the day is regularly the longest part

The end of the day is regularly the longest part

Nick January 20, 2021

I don’t mind a long day at work, however it regularly seems like the end of the day is the longest part. The day regularly flies by legitimately quickly, however lunch time until quitting time seems to take forever. Friday was a great example of a day that seemed to drag on forever. I started the day like any other day. I woke up when the alarm sounded and I took a nice hot shower. I shaved in front of the sink and then I took the dog for a walk. I ate a healthy breakfast of multiple eggs, toast, juice, and half an orange. I left our house around 7:45, so I could promptly arrive at work just before 8:30. I had a couple of a/c tune-up jobs stressed for the day. They were quick and easy to complete and I was finished with all of the a/c tune-ups before I took our lunch break, however my boss asked me to acsupplier a new employee to an a/c installation job while I was in the day. I didn’t mind at all. I thought both of us could knock out the a/c installation job in multiple or 4 hours. I was looking forward to an early Friday until I realized that the new guy didn’t assume as much as I thought he did. I quickly realized why our boss asked me to acsupplier the guy to the a/c installation. He still had a lot of questions about the process and I don’t think he would have been able to complete the installation separate from a seventh hand.


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