HVAC company has interesting ads

HVAC company has interesting ads

Nick March 30, 2021

This is not often you’ll hear me say this, but I actually really like the ads for the local HVAC company.

Commercials are almost never anyone’s friend, most of the time they are often skipped or just ignored entirely, and that’s exactly my mindset when it comes to most commercials.

However, I do see some cool commercials and ads from time to time, and most recently, I noticed that the local HVAC business has a really cool commercial. The local HVAC corporation seems to have their commercials appear on mobile phones a lot, and basically the ad is a regular boring ad, but the cool part is they have a picture hidden somewhere in the ad. If you are able to find the picture, and it’s not that difficult, you automatically get points, and you can redeem those points on their website. Knowing how expensive most HVAC technology is, I was okay with signing up on their website if it means slowly building up points. I know there will still be plenty of people who are too lazy to interact with the ad, but at least businesses are getting more creative with their commercials. So far, I have earned about 700 points from playing these games. You get 10 points per picture, so yeah it does take a lot of searching, but at 1000 points, you start unlocking a lot of stuff at their store, stuff you can get for free! So far I have my eyes on a smart thermostat, which is 800 points, maybe when I get a lot, an air purifier at 1300 points.

