Writing about a HVAC technician

Writing about a HVAC technician

Nick March 30, 2021

So as of recently, I have been writing a lot of little mini stories.

I have trouble writing long stories, mainly because I get bored with them somewhere in the middle and I never finish.

I guess I get bored if I don’t have some kind of action. Anyways, to help combat this, I have been mainly writing small stories instead. The small stories keep my attention long enough where I can write out all of the characters, story lines and complete the story without issue. The only issue is when you write so many stories and characters, you begin to run out of ideas. I have written 7 short stories so far, but I have 3 other main big novels that are halfway finished. I am now on my 8th short stories, and I am on the part where I am deciding the career for my characters. I have already done all of the big and interesting careers like doctors, lawyers, artists and teachers, so I was looking for something unique but ordinary at the same time. I didn’t want my character to look extremely fantastic, because that’s unrealistic, but I also wanted to choose something that not many other authors choose. I decided to go with a HVAC specialist, because that’s a normal job, but not a popular one. Anyways, I didn’t have much knowledge on heating and cooling, so I decided to talk to a local HVAC business and some of their HVAC technicians to kind of get an idea of what it’s like. That and I plan on reading on some of the HVAC websites online, and hopefully from all of that, I will know what being a HVAC professional is like.


