The kids keep putting things in our heating vents

The kids keep putting things in our heating vents

Nick March 30, 2021

He had taken the cover off of the heating vent and stuffed all kinds of blankets and stuffed animals down there! Then I found out that all of his siblings had done the same thing! It was no wonder that the heating wasn’t working upstairs

My kids are really driving me crazy. If it’s not one thing with them, it’s another. They are always looking for new ways to annoy me, it seems like. Last week, they broke the big window in the living room with a baseball and it is going to cost a fortune to get it fixed. Right now, it’s just boarded up with a piece of plywood. This week, the weather was really cooling off and so I had turned up the temperature on the thermostat to warm the house up. The thermostat worked just like usual and the air came blowing through the heating vents. However, it seemed like the heating wasn’t coming out upstairs for some reason. The heating was running, but for some reason none of the upstairs bedrooms were getting any warmer at all. I started to wonder what the reason might be, and all of the kids were complaining that it was too cold in their rooms. Well, I couldn’t figure it out for the longest time and then I just happened to go into my youngest’s bedroom and see him shoving something down into the heating duct. He had taken the cover off of the heating vent and stuffed all kinds of blankets and stuffed animals down there! Then I found out that all of his siblings had done the same thing! It was no wonder that the heating wasn’t working upstairs. I am glad that I didn’t call the HVAC company and pay them money to do a heating repair. It turned out that all we had to do was clean out the air vents.



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