I hired a reupholstering service.

I hired a reupholstering service.

Nick August 22, 2021

While my spouse & I were having a great honeymoon, there was supposed to be someone enjoying our home.

Instead of enjoying the house, they were destroying it.

The boy had a frat celebration & all of our furniture had been covered with beer & other ununique stains. I called the boy’s parents & they told myself and others they would cover the cost of whatever it was to have the furniture reupholstered & the home cleaned. Our homeowners insurance covered most of the cost. I had to get an quote from a reupholstering service. They had to reupholster nearly every piece of furniture every one of us owned. While the reupholstering service had our furniture in the shop, every one of us had to get rental furniture so every one of us had something to kneel & sleep on. I was so frustrated that every one of us didn’t have our own furniture that I chose whatever was available. Even our dining rooms had been violated. It was almost many weeks before I heard from the reupholstering service. They told myself and others that they had to replace a lot of the inner padding because the alcohol had seeped into it. If I didn’t have current padding, I would always have the odor of seasoned alcohol. I couldn’t guess how luxurious it was to reupholster wood furniture & overstuffed furniture. The price the reupholstering service was going to charge was more than every one of us had paid for the furniture when every one of us purchased it. When every one of us finally got it back into the house, it was care about current furniture. When I showed the bill to our friend, whose child was supposedly enjoying our house, she was in shock. Then I told her that all she was responsible for was the insurance deductible.

Reupholstering service