The guy across the street

The guy across the street

Nick August 22, 2021

There is this guy that lives across the street from myself and others who is pretty well off cash wise.

He is always spending his earnings on the most crazy things.

I assume what happened most recent actually takes the cake. Would you assume this guy actually bought a commercial heating plus air conditioning plan for his home? That makes no sense! A commercial heating plus air conditioning plan is meant for buildings, particularly big buildings. Business plus stores have commercial heating plus air conditioning units, not homes! I am not sure if he is trying to show off that he has lots of cash or what. But the whole concept is dumb. First off, the commercial heating plus air conditioning plan he is installing is going to be way too powerful for his home. He is going to be getting more than enough heating or cooling. Also, his energy bills are going to be through the roof. Commercial heating plus air conditioning units do not exactly have superb SEER ratings! Not to mention, the noise it is causing in the neighborhood just on the installation is spine-chilling. It is going to be even more noisy when he runs the commercial heat plus a/c unit. Those things can be particularly loud! To each their own, however if this commercial heat plus air conditioning plan unit ends up making a racket all the time, one of us will have to call the neighborhood to complain about it. I just do not understand people with cash. They just do the most wacko things occasionally.

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