Commercial window film for the offices

Commercial window film for the offices

Nick January 24, 2022

I purchased an office building right in the city, then it is in the perfect location for coffee, supper and nightlife; All our workers love the big park lot and the excitement that surrounds the city, then the building is all new and new too.

All the carpets were purchased this year.

The lights, desks, chairs and computers are all brand new too. The building is sleek, cool and edgy colors. At first I was upset since all the offices were at the front of the building, but everyone had a big window that overlooked the city, you could see people shopping, getting supper or going for runs. It is nice to supply people a nice view and to feel like they aren’t in a cubicle, but however, the windows allowed the sun to pour in and make the offices feel hot. I was using a fountain in AC because of it. Also some of the workers complained about the lack of privacy, people would look in and wave at them. It was aggravating to some, however rather than supply everyone blinds and ruin the look of the building, I choose a commercial window film install. The business did a window film on all the offices. Now you can’t see in, however both of us can see out. The sun is clogged and so are prying eyep. It offers privacy, sun protection and it even makes the building look classier. Now all the windows from outside look black and it looks good with the gray building. The commercial window film installation services were downright cheap compared to our other expenses as well.

Decorative Window Films