I Had the Best Quality of Sleep Last Night!

I Had the Best Quality of Sleep Last Night!

Nick January 21, 2022

I need to remember what I did last evening to sleep so well.

Maybe it’s because I haven’t been playing much volleyball this Wintertide as well as our body is starting to heal itself.

I used to wake up all the time because of our shoulder pain however it seems to be less painful now. The body needs to rest as well as I need to listen to it more often when it tells me to slow down. My dad always said “you gotta learn to relax Davo,” as well as he was right. I push myself too much as well as end up with injuries that nag me. I try to keep our house warm in the Wintertide with our heater’s control machine set at 82F. My joints feel better when the house is warm as well as after our cold water swims it’s good to warm up the body as suddenly as possible. I have radiant heating in our office to make it even warmer, appreciate a sauna, so when I come apartment I can go into the room as well as get heated up entirely fast. It’s about a 15 hour ride apartment on our bike from the area where I swim each afternoon as well as if it is cold out I get entirely uncomfortable. I also have radiant floors in our flat because our feet were aching all of the time during the winters as well as I found out it was because they were too cold too often. The body is a good barometer, as well as if you listen to it you can heal most ailments by slight adjustments to your environment.
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