Setting goals for the heating business for the new year

Setting goals for the heating business for the new year

Nick January 24, 2022

It is not unusual to have new year resolutions as an individual, family, or company and we are no different.

The first Monday back to work after the December holidays was full of activity.

We were all running around trying to assemble our departments and plan for the new year. The heating business was a hive of activity. Being the senior HVAC professional, I huddled up with my team to brainstorm on the new year’s strategies. After asking about the holiday activities of my team, we got down to work trying to come up with beneficial strategies and reviewing the past year. The year before, we had some great wins such as improving our ratings when it came to providing quality heat pump service. We also managed to sell a lot of heating equipment. The most popular equipment was the ductless heat pump which a lot of customers seem to gravitate towards. With wins, there are also some losses including having a shortage of heating contractors which meant that we had to cut down on certain jobs. After reviewing the previous year, we had to come up with strategies that would work in making us a better team to provide high-quality services. Among our products, we opted to add ductless HVACs to our product line. Another deliverable of the new year would be setting up new HVAC supplier stores around town. We also decided to have our heating technician training program. This program would ensure we have experts who would handle the installation of the electric furnaces and dual-fuel systems to provide quality heating. We were determined for the homeowner’s solutions to make a handsome profit and also make waves in the small town with our quality comprehensive furnace/heater tune-ups.


