We wanted to furnish our house with custom-built furniture.

We wanted to furnish our house with custom-built furniture.

Nick January 20, 2022

My partner and I bought a tiny house.

They offered to have furniture put into the tiny house for us, but we declined.

We wanted to furnish our house with custom-built furniture. We had specific ideas on how we wanted to use all of our furniture as double or even triple duty furniture. Only by creating custom-built furniture, were we going to be able to multipurpose everything. I chuckled when I was told that I could have a dining room table with a matching bench seat. What was so funny about the matching bench seat, was that it would hold our washer and dryer. This was something I had to see to believe, but I guess anything was possible when you are having your furniture custom-built. We also had a spare bed that doubled for the bathtub. I know that sounds odd but when you have custom-built furniture, almost anything is possible. The best part about our custom-built furniture was that every piece of furniture in that house was our idea. This made our house uniquely ours, and no one could ever say that they had another one exactly like it. I have since realized that many people have tiny houses now, and that they have custom-built furniture. When we built our tiny house, it was a novelty and not a trend. Maybe someone can say that our custom-built furniture is exactly like theirs, but we can always tell them that ours was the original. We have since moved out of the tiny house and into a small home, but we were so pleased with her custom-built furniture that we had custom-built furniture for our new home.

Fifth avenue style