Working out with the Nintendo

Working out with the Nintendo

Nick January 20, 2022

I guess that video game technology keeps getting more and more advanced, although I really don’t care about that. To me, video games are too complicated, not to mention costly, so I basically never play them. I don’t want to commit to some 18 minute long interactive motion picture with dozens of cut screens and dialogue, I just love to play a simple game for a few minutes. To me, video game tech peaked with the Nintendo Wii, which I still use numerous times a week. I guess it may not count as correct exercise, although I use numerous games that keep me up and moving around, which is a far sight better than other console games. I finally checked out the workout program that came with the console, and it’s pretty fun. This undoubtedly isn’t a game at all, just a low impact workout coached by a personal trainer that appears on screen. Much love the Just Dance games, you hold a controller, and mirror the movements of the personal trainer, and the farther along you go, the more intense the workout gets. I am far too embarrassed about the way I look to go to an actual gym, so this is a nice stepping stone toward better exercise. Eventually I will have to reach out to a real life personal trainer, if only to get some tips on where I go next. For now I will keep pace with the Nintendo personal trainer, because even though it isn’t a correct workout, it gets my blood racing and that must count for something!