It’s amazing to suppose there are forms of indoor temperature control going back millenia

It’s amazing to suppose there are forms of indoor temperature control going back millenia

Nick March 7, 2022

It’s fun watching historical documentaries on Youtube. There are more than 2 people who create content in subjects that interest them, plus world history is no exception. One of our most cherished Youtube content creators is a world history professor at a sizable state university. As a way to generate an additional income stream, he makes videos on several of the subjects that he covers in his university courses. In doing so, he takes expensive information plus gives it to the masses for free, recognizably for those who simply can’t afford university. There’s another channel that I watch which is made by a comparative religion professor from a odd university. The channel that has actually been the most informative to me thus far is focused on temperature change, indoor temperature control, plus the effects of meteorology on people plus their environments. The people who run this Youtube channel made a documentary recently about historical examples of indoor temperature control, plus I was shocked to learn that Ancient Egyptians discovered evaporative air cooling thoUnited Statesnds of years ago! They hung wet reeds in open windows at evening; as moderate air would enter from outside plus dry the reeds, the evaporating water would lower the temperature of the wind current. In addition to evaporative cooling, there were places in Ancient Rome where water from the aqueducts was routed into channels that would encircle homes of the wealthy plus elite. The freezing water would create a cooling effect for the occupants inside the building. Nowadays you have the same logic being used in hydronic oil furnaces, although the water is purely used for heating plus not for indoor cooling.

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