Going insane in my apartment

Going insane in my apartment

Nick May 6, 2022

My goodness it’s just like a tornado out there this week & I was going to play soccer or jog on the beach.

It looks like neither is going to happen now so I believe I’ll just stay at home & chill out, seeing that I am going to be flying out of this area in less than two afternoons & I’m a bit tense.

I’m going down to the local dealership this week to talk to the heating supplier because he is from the states & flew back recently & he will know the deal with the vaccine & rules for flying. I only got one vaccine shot so I am not allowed to fly to a lot of countries. It makes flying even less great than it already was. Maybe I’ll just stop the whole flight & stay here & work on our Heating & Air Conditioning machine & prepare it for the upcoming tepid weeks. I just want to go condo & see our family however it just seems so difficult to do nowadays without having the double vaccine. The local dealership just flew back to the states with no concern even though he has had both vaccines. I believe I could fly back & get both shots there & get our vaccine card then fly back here with it. For now, I will turn on our part heating system & put on some enjoyable jazz music & just quiet down this insane mind of mine. I start getting to thinking & go down these crazy holes of worry for no reason at all however to keep the mind stressed with thought. Inhale in, Inhale out, grin.



electric furnace