Might update my maintenance plan when I get back

Might update my maintenance plan when I get back

Nick May 6, 2022

I’m wondering if I should get another Heating & Air Conditioning maintenance plan seeing that mine is going to end in a few weeks.

My issue is that our Heating & Air Conditioning plan in our flat is quite old & I am thinking that maybe I just need to change out the whole thing.

Well, all of that is not a concern now because I am flying back to the states, or at least trying to, & our focus is on this right now. I could do our own Heating & Air Conditioning repair if I had to because I am pretty good with repairing things & have a lot of free time on our hands to do so. I am more anxious now about not being able to fly without the COVID shot as I have only acquired one shot so far. I went to the cold air conditioned hospital however they didn’t have any documentation of mye getting our first shot so what am I supposed to do? Whatever, I’ll figure it all out. I just want to go back home for a visit & hug our mom, is that asking too much? I think I will wash our air duct this week so I feel like I have something under control in our life. I’ve done it before & it is pretty easy to do & I will recognize like I did something worthwhile this week so why not do it. I also need to run our robot vacuum with HEPA filter one last time before I fly so that I don’t come back home to a bunch of bugs around my apartment.
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