I accidentally forgot to turn my heating system on

I accidentally forgot to turn my heating system on

Nick November 7, 2022

When I was outside playing catch with my sons, it was pretty chilly out there, so I genuinely had to run back inside the house to make sure the furnace was turned on… However, the furnace wasn’t as lovely as I thought and so I adjusted the temperature control.

  • I figured that 75 degrees on the temperature control should be just fine.

I also put a jacket on because I didn’t want to be chilly. Before I also threw the ball to my son, I reminded him to keep his eye on the ball. I felt bad after saying that because I threw the difficult ball straight to him and it was going straight for his head. I thought he would catch the ball, but instead he let it hit him in the face, and when I ran to see if he was okay, I also saw that the ball hit him square in the eyeball. I immediately took him back inside the house where it was warm and I offered him an ice pack to put on his eye as it was swelling up. I asked him if he felt as if anything was broken, but he said it wasn’t too bad. I assume it’s absolutely terrible because his eye is black and swollen, it almost looks as if he was punched in the face. I ended up taking him to the hospital so he could be checked for a concussion. I didn’t want him to go to sleep anytime soon if that was the case. I was blissful when he was okay, but the hospital was kind of cold, so all of us couldn’t wait to get back to the apartment where the furnace was working.

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